My house is filled with gamers. We love video and computer games as well as handheld and board games. If it's a game of any kind, someone in my house will probably like it. My older two daughters and I really like to play online games. Big Fish Games is one of favorite places to purchase games. They have such a wide variety of games at great prices. Many of their games are priced at just $2.99. Games are available for download on a Mac or PC. We love that the games have such great graphics.
Our favorites types of games are hidden object and online adventure games. The newest game I've been playing is Mystery Case Files: Escape From Ravenshearst. Below are a few pictures from the game. I have liked the game so far but haven't gotten through the entire game yet. This game has morphing objects instead of hidden objects. I liked the idea of this as a little bit of a change. Once you find the morphing objects in the scene you will get a object placed into your inventory.
There are different puzzles to solve throughout the game. The diary helps you keep up with the storyline and items found. This game has kept my interest and I look forward to playing more. There is a warning that says: "This is an intense psychological thriller that may reveal deep-seated fears. Not for the young or faint of heart. Consider yourself warned."
Big Fish Games is giving TWO lucky readers a download code so they can pick out a game of their own! Enter on the rafflecopter below for your chance to win.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Note: I was compensated for this review/giveaway but as always I only provide my honest opinion and only recommend products I feel are good for my readers.